Focus on Potential aspires to be a values-led organisation.
We have identified four values which we believe lie at the heart of all we do. We strive to uphold these values in our work, always.
He tangata takahi manuhiri, he marae puehu
A person who mistreats his guest has a dusty marae
We aspire to ensure that our hospitality, professionalism and kindness are experienced by everyone during their engagement with us.
The manaakitanga we carry out in our work seeks to support and further enhance knowledge, skills, and agency to achieve fuller potentiality.
In this partnership, everyone’s rehabilitation dreams and aspirations are at the forefront, always.
He aha te mea nui ki tēnei ao?
Māku e ki atu. He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.
What is the most important thing in the world?
I would reply that it is people, people, people
We seek to make time and space for whanaungatanga with the kiritaki, to listen to their kōrero and to build a meaningful relationship before we start our partnership together in their rehabilitation.
We support the kiritaki to include whānau in the rehabilitation journey.
We understand that whānau can include others who are not kin, as well as those whose shared sense of whānau identity is around a particular kaupapa.
We work alongside the kiritaki to seek out who and what they want and need in the community where no obvious whānau support is available.
We set up sustainable networks that are meaningful and which will last beyond our engagement.
Embedding Matauranga Māori
Te manu kai i te miro nōna te ngahere.
Te manu kai i te mātauranga nōna te ao.
The bird that feeds on the miro, theirs is the forest.
The bird that feeds from the tree of knowledge, theirs is the world.
We aspire to integrate and prioritise mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge) in all our work.
We strive to ensure that all our interactions are undertaken in a culturally safe manner.
We endeavor to innovate how we operate, and to improve what we do in a way to increase access to, and participation in, services and optimal outcomes for the kiritaki.
We evaluate, make improvements to our practice where needed, and re-evaluate.
Foundations for participation
Ma te huruhuru, ka rere te Manu
Adorn the bird with feathers so it may fly
We understand that for people to reach their full potential in their rehabilitation journey, they need to have their basic needs met, to have access to the right services, and to be able to participate fully in these services to the best of their ability.
We partner with kiritaki and their whānau to identify rehabilitation and cultural needs, preferences and priorities.
We work together to plan, propel and support each rehabilitation journey.
We continue to evaluate our ways of working with the kiritaki so that barriers to access and participation in our services can be identified and eliminated.